中西语言文化学术论坛系列讲座(114)通知 应ok138cn太阳集团董元兴院长邀请,英国利兹大学Simon Borg 教授将于2018年10月29日来我院进行学术讲座,请全院教师踊跃参加! 讲座主题:Developing a self-assessment tool for English language teachers 讲座时间:10月29日(周一) 下午2:30——4:30 讲座地点:北一楼1楼学术报告厅 讲座人简介: Simon Borg has been involved in English language teaching (ELT) for 30 years, working in a range of international contexts, and is recognised internationally for his work on teacher cognition, teacher education, professional development and teacher research. He works as an ELT Consultant, with a particular focus on designing, facilitating and evaluating language teacher professional development programmes. He also holds Visiting Professor positions at the University of Leeds and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Full details of his work are available at Simon Borg English Language Teacher Development http://simon-borg.co.uk/. ok138cn太阳集团外国语言文化研究所 2018/10/22